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Like a big sister

My traineeship in Romania was originally intended to last 9 months, but saying goodbye was difficult and I decided to extend my time. I couldn’t and didn’t want to leave all the friendships with such different people behind me.

Young girls who become mothers far too early, children who rarely attend school, mothers who are victims of violence in the family, fathers who try to support the extended family as day laborers…The need is great and so is the need for help.I volunteer at one of the many social centers that Elijah runs, take the local soccer team to Elijah’s tournaments, and help out in the pottery workshop.

I’m also fortunate to live in the community and be a big sister to two girls, ages 8 and 12, who live with us this year. Since September I have been working in the Casa Ilie children’s home, where 8 children have found a new home. Their difficult fates connect them just as much as the hope for a better future.

Emilia from Austria, volunteer 2020, 2021, 2022